
This is the story of Julia Lamas

Apple  Campaign · #ShotOnIphone

"We are all connected to Earth Mother because we are all part of Nature. Pachamama welcomes us, feeds us, and finally eats us up..." — Julia Lamas

GAUCHA, the short film written and directed by Marco Vernaschi for Apple’s global campaign #ShotOnIphone, tells the inspiring story of Julia Lamas, a self-empowered matriarch from Argentina. 

Deeply rooted in Argentina’s history, the gaucho culture is known worldwide as one of the most iconic of South America. For most people, it’s synonym with wilderness, horses and free spirit — and it’s mostly perceived as a male-dominated culture. However, this is common misconception as Argentina’s most celebrated community is actually led by women. Gaucha was produced with the idea to address that misbelief. 


Apple Inc. - Cupertino, California, USA


GAUCHA #ShotOnIphone · Commercial Campaign (Global) · Creative Direction · Script Writing · Film Direction · Concept Design · Photography · Pre-Production


Concept Design, Screenwriting and Direction: Marco Vernaschi Film Production: Camp Grizzly • Logistics: El Rio


Feminism, Cosmovision, worldview, sustainability, women empowerment, gender equality, women leadership, social resilience, indigenous cultures, andean Altiplano, Jujuy, Argentina



